12 January 2007, Leuven (BE)

Author Title Download
Erhard Hinrichs and Thomas Zastrow A vector-based approach to dialectometry PDF
Andreas Merkel and Dietrich Klakow Comparing improved language models for sentence retrieval in question answering PDF
Jens Moberg, Charlotte Gooskens, John Nerbonne, and Nathan Vaillette Conditional entropy measures intelligibility among
related languages
Stephan Oepen Invited talk: Efficient HPSG realization for precision machine translation PDF
Ineke Schuurman Which New York, which Monday? The role of background knowledge and intended audience in automatic disambiguation of spatiotemporal expressions PDF
Marco René Spruit Discovery of association rules between syntactic variables: Data mining the Syntactic Atlas of the Dutch Dialects PDF
Gerwert Stevens, Paola Monachesi, and Antal van den Bosch A pilot study for automatic semantic role labeling in a
Dutch corpus
Daphne Theijssen, Suzan Verberne, Nelleke Oostdijk, and Lou Boves Evaluating deep syntactic parsing: Using TOSCA for the analysis of why-questions PDF
Mariët Theune, Nanda Slabbers, and Feikje Hielkema The automatic generation of narratives PDF
Jörg Tiedemann Improved sentence alignment for building a parallel subtitle corpus PDF
Erik Tjong Kim Sang and Katja Hofmann Automatic extraction of Dutch hypernym-hyponym pairs PDF
Tim Van de Cruys and Begona Villada Moiron Lexico-semantic multiword expression extraction PDF
Antal van den Bosch, Bertjan Busser, Sander Canisius, and Walter Daelemans An efficient memory-based morphosyntactic tagger and parser for Dutch PDF
Laurens van der Werff, Willemijn Heeren, Roeland Ordelman, and Franciska de Jong Radio Oranje: Enhanced access to a historical spoken
word collection
Eline Westerhout and Paola Monachesi Extraction of Dutch definitory contexts for eLearning